Barrel Clearance for ONLY EC$200.00
"Hassle Free" Barrel Clearance...
Just remain at home or at work and have your barrel cleared through customs and delivered to your desired location within St. George's for ONLY EC$200.00
Important to Note:
1. All freight and other shipping charges should be paid in advance
2. Barrel should NOT accumulate Grenada Port Authority's warehousing rent.
3. The items contained in the barrel MUST be accepted by Grenada Customs as "Personal Effects," that is items for personal use or use by the household for example; foodstuff, toiletries, small amounts of clothing etc.
4. Barrel must NOT contain commercial cargo.
If during the clearance process it is discovered that there are outstanding shipping and/or Port Authority rent charges due, or that the barrel contains commercial cargo or other items causing customs valuation to be higher than its normal basic valuation of EC$200.00 then clients will be held responsible for settling all extra charges. All extra charges MUST be made in order to receive the barrel.
Please be guided accordingly.
No. of Barrels Cost (EC)
1 $200.00
2 $300.00
3 $400.00
4 $500.00
5 $600.00
The above costs includes:
- Customs Duties
- Port Charges (excluding rent)
- Stamp Duty
- Transportation
See more information below...